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BBC News, South East covers Words from the Waiting Room.
Creative Community Engagement project led by Deborah Humphrey, and Karina Patfield highlighted on BBC news.
Words from the Waiting Room offers cancer patients, survivors, and supporters a safe environment to express themselves through creative writing.

Kick-off of the SCRC Computational Cancer Research themed meetings
We’re pleased to invite you to the kick-off of the SCRC Computational Cancer Research themed meetings. These meetings are open to all, including those applying computational techniques to cancer research and those interested in forming collaborations that may benefit from computational techniques.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 10th of April, from 14:00 to 16:00, at the JMS Building, room 4D13. There will be two talks from members of our computational cancer research labs sharing their projects.
Launching the “Words from the Waiting Room” writing workshops
People with lived experience of cancer spend many hours in hospital waiting rooms, often experiencing anxiety and stress. Sussex Cancer Fund are sponsoring the project ‘Words from the Waiting Room’, which will offer a space for patients and/or friends and family of patients who have spent time in the oncology waiting room to explore their experiences creatively.
In a free two-hour workshop, Deborah and Karina will use writing prompts to help participants explore their own stories, with opportunities to use collaged words for those who feel inhibited by writing.
Book your workshop in Brighton
Book your workshop in Hastings

Updates from the Sussex Cancer Research Centre on World Cancer Day.
The theme of World Cancer Day 2025 is “United by Unique”, which places people at the centre of care and their stories at the heart of the conversation. Today the Sussex Cancer Research Centre (SCRC) are announcing the outcomes of our inaugural funding awards, including PhD studentships, creative community engagement awards, and pump-priming awards.
Sussex researchers tackle the 'guardian of the genome' to fight cancer
Discover how Sussex researchers are tackling the 'guardian of the genome' to fight cancer. Learn about this groundbreaking work supported by @WorldwideCancer

New Grant for Dr Rhys Morgan
Dr Rhys Morgan has been awarded a 3 year project grant by Worldwide Cancer Research to tackle Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML). The project focuses on post-transcriptional networks in WT1-mutated AML, and kicks off in April 2025. Congratulations Rhys and keep an eye on his social media for project updates as the project progresses!

Dr Ethan Morgan wins prestigious 2024 IPVS Early Career Award
Dr Ethan Morgan, Lecturer in Biochemistry and Biomedicine, has been honoured with the prestigious 2024 IPVS Early Career Recognition Award by the International Papillomavirus Society (IPVS). This honour celebrates exceptional contributions to the field of papillomavirus research. Dr Morgan’s works explore how HPV contributes to cellular changes that drive cancer progression and suggest potential pathways for therapeutic intervention in HPV-associated cancers.

Call for Creative Projects: SCRC seeks Applications for £1000 Award
Applications close on 31st November 2024.
The Sussex Cancer Research Centre is offering an exciting funding opportunity for creative projects that build meaningful connections between people with lived experience of cancer and the cutting-edge cancer research happening at SCRC.
The SCRC Creative Engagement Award provides up to £1000 for innovative projects using art and creative approaches to engage the local community with cancer research. This award is open to all creative forms, and applicants do not need to be affiliated with universities or hospitals.

New Study: Long-term conditions could delay lung cancer diagnosis
A new study from cancer centre members, led by Dr Imogen Rogers, has revealed that that patients with one or more conditions that could provide "alternative explanations" for lung cancer symptoms experienced significant delays in receiving a diagnosis.
This research could pave the way for new guidelines and training for GPs, ultimately aiming to save lives by catching lung cancer earlier, even in patients with complicating health conditions.

Sussex Cancer Fund Open Applications for the Small Project Funding
The Sussex Cancer Fund have announced that applications are open for their Small Project Funding (<£20k). This funding is flexible, and can be used to supplement larger funded projects or pump prime new ones.
Deadline is soon: 20th of September 2024 so get your applications in. The SCRC are happy to support you in assembling an application, feel free to contact us.

Dr Stephen Robinson highlighted in University Hospitals Sussex Spotlight Session
Centre member, and inspiring clinical cancer researcher, Dr Stephen Robinson is highlighted by University Hospitals Sussex in a new "Spotlight Session".
Learn more about Stephen's journey into research, his current research projects, what inspires him, and what is next!

Fully Funded SCRC PhD Studentship Now Open for Applications
A 3.5 year fully-funded PhD studentship, including stiped, fees, and consumables is now available for applications.
The goal of this projects is to establish and sustain new collaborative research networks for patient benefit.
Proposals should be a collaboration between either UoS School of Life Sciences and BSMS, UoS School of Life Sciences and an NHS trust, or BSMS and an NHS trust.

Sussex Cancer Research Centre Launched
The new Sussex Cancer Research Centre officially launches. The SCRC combines the world-class cancer research being carried out by experts at Brighton and Sussex Medical School, University of Brighton, University of Sussex and in the NHS for the first time.

Dame Lesley presents at the UK Interdisciplinary Breast Cancer Symposium.
Professor Dame Lesley Fallowfield presenting SHORE-C research on health care professionals' communication with patients about genomic and genetic testing. Treatment of breast cancer has for many years been dependent on the interaction of professionals from many disciplines. The UKIBCS gives all those with an active interest in breast cancer research and treatment an opportunity to consider and discuss how the latest advances may impact upon their and others areas of expertise.

Cancer treatment technology developed at Sussex to start preclinical tests
Building on research at Sussex, leading cancer researchers in the School of Life Sciences, Professor Georgios Giamas and Professor John Spencer launched Stingray Bio in 2021, to develop new therapies for breast cancers and potentially other cancer types. The new agreement with ValiRx is a big step in the path to commercialising new therapeutics for cancer patients.

Dr Ollie Minton, Rob Herriott and Tim Williams win Royal College of Physicians FIX IT prize
The Fix IT in Healthcare Prize rewards excellent innovation in digital healthcare, particularly digital initiatives that have, or promise to, improve patient safety and staff well-being within the NHS or healthcare more widely. Dr Ollie Minton, Rob Herriott and Tim Williams are the winners of the 2023 prize for their work on PROMs using the My Clinical Outcomes (MCO) website.

Sussex cancer researchers engaging with patients and the public to present their research
This month, Sussex Cancer researchers gathered with patients and members of the public, to discuss research projects aimed to improve the life of cancer patients in Sussex.
If you have a news story to share here, get in touch!