We believe Sussex is the best place in the world to do cancer research. All cancer researchers across Sussex benefit from the support of the Sussex Cancer Research Centre including:
World-leading, multi-disciplinary, collaborators on your doorstep.
The full bench to bedside pipeline for finding drug targets, developing new treatments, and trialing new approaches in patients.
Access to pump-priming funds, and PhD studentships offered by the Sussex Cancer Research Centre and our institutions.
Local charity support from the Sussex Cancer Fund, who have made it a funding priority to support future cancer researcher leaders to establish their careers and thrive in Sussex.
An active community including patients, carers, and families, eager to engage with your research.
A bespoke mentor to help you navigate the research landscape and achieve your career ambitions.
Well-establish routes to patient benefit including substantial support for commercialising your research.
3-year funded PhD studentship at Brighton and Sussex Medical School.
Applications are invited for a PhD studentshiup investigating the effect of stress hormones in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia.
Advertise your vacancy here: contact us
3.5 year Sussex Cancer Research Centre funded PhD position.
Applications are invited for a 3.5-year funded PhD studentship at the Sussex Cancer Research Centre available from September 2025 under the supervision of Dr Frances Pearl, School of Life Sciences, University of Sussex. It will be co-supervised by Prof Laurence Pearl FRS FMedSci, (Sussex), Dr Max Whibley (RSCH) and Dr Eleni Ladikou (BSMS).
If you want to do a PhD at the interface of cancer research, artificial intelligence, and clinical practice then this is an incredible opportunitiy. We're so proud to have been able to support this project.
Research Fellow in Cancer Studies
Applications are invited for the post of Research Fellow in Cancer Research (non-clinical) at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS). We are looking to recruit a scientist with a strong background in cancer research, or a related discipline to work on a 2-year Blood Cancer UK funded project. The successful applicant will be a motivated and enthusiastic team player, who can demonstrate technical expertise in a range of laboratory techniques, ideally including tissue culture and flow cytometry. Computational skills are also desirable but training in computational biology will be available.