Sussex Blood Cancer Research
Sussex Blood Cancer Research
The goal of Sussex BCR is to increase understanding of the molecular changes that occur in blood cancers, with the ultimate aim of designing novel and effective therapies.
Lead: RDr Rhys Morgan
Patient-reported outcome measures
Sussex Health Outcomes Research & Education in Cancer
The central aims of SHORE-C are to evaluate the health outcomes of patients, especially those treated for cancer.
Genome Damage and Stability Centre
Internationally recognised centre provides a dynamic and collaborative environment for state-of-the-art research into links between DNA and cancer
Genome Damage Research
Lead: Prof Tony Carr
Sussex Brain Tumour Research
Sussex Brain Tumour Resarch Group.
Multidisciplinary group united to advance innovative brain tumour research.
Lead: Dr Stephen Robinson
Fatigue Research
The Fatigue Research Group
Patient-centric research into cancer and treatment-related fatigue
Lead: Dr Sally Wheelwright
Breast and Gynaecological Cancer Research
Breast and Gynaecological Cancer Research Group.
World-leading research into cancer breast, cervical and ovarian cancers.
Lead: Prof Melanie Flint
Computational Cancer Research
The Computational Cancer Research Group
Using AI, computational, and mathematical sciences to understand cancer and make treatments more personalised.
Lead: Dr Frances Pearl