View by Research Interest
- Aging and Frailty
- Biochemistry
- Bioengineering
- Blood Cancers
- Brain Cancer
- Breast and Gynae
- Cancer Care
- Carcinogenesis
- Cell Biology
- Clinical Sciences
- Clinical Trials
- Computational
- Creative Practice
- Drug Discovery
- Fatigue
- Genetics
- Genome Damage
- Gynaecological cancers
- Imaging
- Immunology
- Lived Experience
- Microenvironment
- Neurosciences
- Palliative care
- Pancreatic Cancer
- Patient Experience
- Patient Reported Outcomes
- Primary Care
- Prostate Cancer
- Psychology
- Public Health
- Quality of Life
- Recovery
- SCRC Support
- Stress
- Structural Biology
- Wellbeing
Please note the directory is work in progress and people may be missing. We apologise for any ommisions. Contact us if you can’t find someone, or if you wish to be added.
Laila Maryam
Final year student in Materials Science and Engineering (Institute of Space Technology)
Sarah Lilley
Research Fellow in Biochemistry, Sussex Drug Discovery Centre, School of Life Sciences (University of Sussex)
Claire Adcock
Research Fellow in Medicinal Chemistry, Sussex Drug Discovery Centre, School of Life Sciences (University of Sussex)

Michelle West
Head of School of Life Sciences
Professor of Tumour Virology (School of Life Sciences, University of Sussex)
EBV, Virology, Blood Cancers
Mohan Rajasekaran
Research Fellow in Protein and Structural Biology (Sussex Drug Discovery Centre, University of Sussex)

Hedaythul Choudhury
Research Fellow in Chemistry (Sussex Drug Discovery Centre, University of Sussex)
Jessica Booth
Research Fellow in Assay Development and Screening (Sussex Drug Discovery Centre, University of Sussex)
Mark O’Driscoll
Professor Of Human Molecular Genetics (Genome Damage and Stability Centre, University of Sussex)