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Creative Community Engagement Symposium

Exciting opportunity for custom artwork inspired by your research, and participate in lightning lecture competition!

Group Leaders/PI's: the Creative Community Engagement Project needs your help to complete a series of artworks that will be exhibited across campus. 'Calle Incurabili: The Narrow Path to Cure', is a response to cancer treatment regimens received by the artist (see more detail in the last newsletter). Wanting to highlight the incredible work going on across SCRC, we hope you would share a small introduction to your team and your research by forwarding the following by Fri 28th March to

  • Your name as Group Leader

  • List of Doctoral/Post Doctoral researchers in the team

  • A couple of paragraphs outlining research focus.

This information will be exhibited next to the artworks across campus enabling a wide audience to gain an insight into the important research here at SCRC.

ECRs and PhD students: Opportunity to share your research project with wider audience?

  • Have you got Creative and Dynamic presentation skills?

  • Gather a team from your lab!

  • Take part in the Lightening Lecture Challenge!

What? 10minute lay lecture with one image of your choice.

Where? Watson Building Lecture Theatre.

When? 13th June 10am-1pm.

Why? Part of our Creative Community Engagement Project.

Prize for best presentation kindly donated by SCRC.

Image: 'Calle Incurabili : The Narrow Path to Cure.' (Detail) (Histopaque, cancer cells, trace of burnt matchstick, on handmade paper: Markus Taylor, 2025.)

10 April

Computational Cancer Research Themed Meeting

17 June

SCRC Annual Symposium