Sussex Cancer Research Centre brings together experts from Brighton and Sussex Medical School, the University of Sussex, the University of Brighton, and NHS Trusts across Sussex, to pioneer interdisciplinary research that will improve cancer treatments and outcomes for people with cancer.

People with lived experience are at the centre of our cancer research

From the lab bench, where we are using innovative approaches to identify the best targeted therapies.
To the bedside, where we are translating our lab bench work to the clinic through evaluating health outcomes and implementing researcher-led trials.
Sussex Cancer Research Centre aims to ensure all people with cancer now and in the future benefit from cutting-edge research taking place in Sussex.

Our latest research news


To stay on top of all the news from the Sussex Cancer Research Centre, and receive our updates directly to your inbox, please join the centre.

You can view the latest issue, and all past issues, of the SCRC newsletter in the archive.

Get involved

Are you a patient, carer, or member of the public interested in joining us?

Are you a researcher who wants to join the Sussex Cancer Research Centre?

Would you like to receive e-mail updates from us?

How we support research

Peer support

The Sussex Cancer Research Centre’s mentorship programme pairs early career researchers with cancer research leaders across our member institutions.

We can also help with grant and paper peer review to ensure critical support of your applications and publications from subject area experts.

Research Funding

The SCRC aims to expand translational research, and to facilitate interactions across multiple institutions within Sussex.

Thanks to support from the Sussex Cancer Fund, Unviersity of Sussex, Unviersity of Brighton, and Brighton and Sussex Medical school we are able to support your research.

Resource and expertise sharing

From sequencing to surveys, we have leading experts ready to collaborate with access to cutting-edge facilities. Those seeking access to patient material can benefit from our support in seeking ethical approval and tissue banking.

Upcoming Events

Genome Damage and Stability Centre (GDSC)
21st Anniversary Symposium

12th-13th Sept 2024

University of Sussex

Science Café

30th Sept 2024

Macmillan Horizon Centre, University Hospitals Sussex

The Brighton Tumour Microenvironment Conference

21st-22nd Oct 2024

Leonardo Royal Hotel Brighton Waterfront

We are hiring the future leaders of cancer research.

From PhD students to group leaders, we are looking for people like you.

Live and work in beautiful Sussex, collaborate with leading cancer researchers, benefit from close clinical partnerships, and transform the lives of cancer patients.

Support life-changing research

Your support has an enormous impact on our research, transforming what we are able to do. Together we have the potential to transform the lives of cancer patients. With your support we are working to discover cutting-edge treatment approaches, that are both kinder and more effective.

We have parntered with the Sussex Cancer Fund to ensure your donations support life-changing research here in Sussex.

If you want to discuss your donation contact us.